Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Food Truck Park(ing Lot) @ Valley View Shopping Center

This post has been long overdued...mainly because I was working on the photo strips, and I didn't want to publish this post until that was done with.  It's been so long ago that I don't even know where I left off.  I don't even know if these are the strips that I liked.  Oh well...at least I'm getting it up before the end of the year, right?! :)

Well, back in March, Haley (my co-worker) mentioned something about a food
truck park stationed in Fort Worth.  She talked about it and raved about some of
the awesome food she had there.  She told me I had to go visit it one day.  And
that's how it all got started.  Instead of doing things on my to-do list, I was researching food trucks in Dallas, Texas!  Thanks Haley!  hehehe

I didn't know much about food trucks or where to find them. I didn't even think
they existed in Texas.  That's how much I knew.  I've only seen them on Food
Network or the Mexican food trucks you see at the construction sites.  I could still remember one of the food truck at a car lot when we were looking for Tina's car...I ordered grilled cheese, and it was one of the best grilled cheese I have ever eaten (or maybe because I was hungry).  But that's the only time I could remember having food from a food truck...

...until I found out about a small Food Truck gathering at the Valley View Shopping Center.  There weren't many trucks there, but I didn't care.  I just wanted to go for the experience.  I immediately texted  Alice to come with us.  I had to have an eating buddy!  She was kinda iffy about it due to her schedule at work plus having to see if the hubby (Soto) had other plans.  I tried my best to be convincing yet not forceful!  (Sometimes you have to be forceful to get what you want...lol)  But they agreed to meet up with us!  Boy was I excited!!!
Alice and I have this thing when we cook food, we tend to cook for an army.  Well, things didn't change at the Food Trucks (even though we weren't cooking)...we ended up ordering a whole bunch of food and stuffing our faces.  It didn't help that the hubbies like to over-order also!  Thanks for making us fatter, hubbies, so you guys could look skinnier!  LOL

The food was good, and we had fun walking around the "dead" mall afterwards!  Alyssa and Austin sure did enjoy the outdoors.  They would stay outside all day long if they had the chance.  Here are some pictures I took of the food we had.  I don't remember the name nor the food truck...that's what I get for procrastinating on this post.  Whoops!



Now I'm craving some Kimchee Fries!!!

I'm still working on some more photos from this day, so check back soon.  :)

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