Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hello There, Stranger!

It's been a while since I've been on here.  Can you believe I'm 4 months shy of it being 2 years since my last post?  I've been so busy with changes in my life.  Honestly, I even forgot I had this blog site.  But even with so many changes in my life, I can reassure you that my passion for cooking hasn't changed one bit.  Although I don't cook as often as I used to, I still enjoy it when I can.  And with all of my kitchecn experiences, I'm still NOT a pro!

You know how when you have so much time to think, your thoughts tend to jump around from one thing to another?  Or it goes from one thought which leads to another and another and so on.  Well, it lead me here today.  And my thoughts right now doesn't match my website, but oh well.  It's mine, right?  hehehe

I was hanging out in my kitchen today multitasking the many chores (I routinely do every Saturday) while texting a special friend.  We were talking about cooking and being on the phone at the same time.  I asked Samantha what's so bad about being on the phone while cooking?  Her reply was that you could drop your phone into your food or burn your food.  Now I haven't done either one of those before (knock on wood), and I hope it'll never happen to me.  But what if it really did happen?  It doesn't affect me that much because I have a lifeproof case on my phone-dust proof and water proof!  :)  But what if it happened to you?  Would you get really mad?  Would you wash it off and put it in rice overnight?  (Yes, I've tried that with my ipad before.  It didn't work.)  Would you start cursing and screaming?  Would you fish it out, set it aside, and continue cooking?  I believe most people would turn off their stove and use every energy in their body to "save" that darn phone!

That lead me to think about how technology sometimes consume our lives.  I once saw this video of this girl demonstrating how everyone around her was always on the phone...scenes from lying in bed with her bf (while on the phone) to her having lunch with her friends (all on the phone) popped into my head.  I am guilty of always having my phone on me too.  Sometimes we don't think about the things we do everyday and how it affects us.  We get so involved with our phones that the world around us disappears.  Social media doesn't help either.  We are curious creatures, and we want to know what's going on around us.  I know sometimes I'm on my phone because I'm bored or I am avoiding work.  Sometimes I just want to see how people on FB are doing.  haha  But I can tell you that it doesn't take time away from my kids (or cooking bc I can do both! haha).  If you're one of those people who are always on your phone and social media, then be careful not to lose precious time with loved ones because those times may be all you have.  That thought lead me to the thought of my uncle and aunt (2 different families) who passed away a year ago.  But I'm not going to talk about them here.  Those thoughts remain inside of me.

I don't even know where I'm going with this post..I guess I'm just rambling on about nothing.  I could be really good at that sometimes!  :)  On another note, there is something cooking on my stove right now.  I have some pork broth simmering away for my udon noodle soup for dinner.  If you've never had udon noodles, then you've got to try them.  Both of my kids love it, and they could eat it every day!  I've made them from scratch a couple of times, but it's a lot of work.  I discovered 1/2 year ago that frozen udon noodles do exist!  Why was I so surprised when I knew anything could be frozen?  I have no idea!  lol

Anyway, I'm going to end this blabber mouth right here to go refill my wine (and to check on my soup).  Hey, don't judge!  It's 5 o'clock somewhere!  lol  Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. I'd be like well eff and call the insurance company to send me a new one. haha!
