Monday, April 30, 2012

Kimchi Fries at CHI'LANTRO (Korean BBQ) food truck

This past weekend, my husband, kids, and I took a short trip to Austin, TX for Caleb's 1st birthday party.  We stayed with our cousin, Phanny (and Lene, but she wasn't there).  Phanny, kept raving about this Korean food truck named CHI'LANTRO.  It's a Korean-Mexican Fusion.  I told her I tried kimchi fries in Dallas, and it was ok.  She said, "NO, You've gotta try this one!  IT IS SOOO GOOD..escpecially drunk. lol."  So I said ok.  We picked up my younger brother, Patrick (who is attending UT), to go with us. 
CHI'LANTRO's Kimchi Fries

We ordered 2 different kinds of kimchi fries (1 beef, 1 pork), some tacos, quesadillas, regular fries, and a burger (hubby's).  Let me tell ya...those kimchi fries were awesome!!! Yum!  They totally outdid the Dallas' Korean BBQ food truck.  We ended up ordering another order of kimchi fries...this time with chicken on it!  Not as good, but still good.  haha

I had leftover quesadillas which I took home.  I just finished it for lunch today.  :)  Next time I go to Austin, I'll surely visit CHI'LANTRO again. 

Uncle Patrick and Alyssa

Phanny and Austin


  1. Lol... Awesome! I am so glad you liked it! You know that they will be there May 11 & 12 so go get some while you can!
