Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Food Truck Park(ing Lot) @ Valley View Shopping Center

This post has been long overdued...mainly because I was working on the photo strips, and I didn't want to publish this post until that was done with.  It's been so long ago that I don't even know where I left off.  I don't even know if these are the strips that I liked.  Oh well...at least I'm getting it up before the end of the year, right?! :)

Well, back in March, Haley (my co-worker) mentioned something about a food
truck park stationed in Fort Worth.  She talked about it and raved about some of
the awesome food she had there.  She told me I had to go visit it one day.  And
that's how it all got started.  Instead of doing things on my to-do list, I was researching food trucks in Dallas, Texas!  Thanks Haley!  hehehe

I didn't know much about food trucks or where to find them. I didn't even think
they existed in Texas.  That's how much I knew.  I've only seen them on Food
Network or the Mexican food trucks you see at the construction sites.  I could still remember one of the food truck at a car lot when we were looking for Tina's car...I ordered grilled cheese, and it was one of the best grilled cheese I have ever eaten (or maybe because I was hungry).  But that's the only time I could remember having food from a food truck...

...until I found out about a small Food Truck gathering at the Valley View Shopping Center.  There weren't many trucks there, but I didn't care.  I just wanted to go for the experience.  I immediately texted  Alice to come with us.  I had to have an eating buddy!  She was kinda iffy about it due to her schedule at work plus having to see if the hubby (Soto) had other plans.  I tried my best to be convincing yet not forceful!  (Sometimes you have to be forceful to get what you want...lol)  But they agreed to meet up with us!  Boy was I excited!!!
Alice and I have this thing when we cook food, we tend to cook for an army.  Well, things didn't change at the Food Trucks (even though we weren't cooking)...we ended up ordering a whole bunch of food and stuffing our faces.  It didn't help that the hubbies like to over-order also!  Thanks for making us fatter, hubbies, so you guys could look skinnier!  LOL

The food was good, and we had fun walking around the "dead" mall afterwards!  Alyssa and Austin sure did enjoy the outdoors.  They would stay outside all day long if they had the chance.  Here are some pictures I took of the food we had.  I don't remember the name nor the food truck...that's what I get for procrastinating on this post.  Whoops!



Now I'm craving some Kimchee Fries!!!

I'm still working on some more photos from this day, so check back soon.  :)

Pina Colada Cake

Our Pina Colada Cake!

I stumbled upon this delicious Pina Colada Cake on Pinterest from A Bountiful Kitchen.  I knew immediately that I had to make it.  One reason was because it was the 2011 Utah State Fair Winner.  And the other reason was because my brother, Patrick, loves coconut...especially Pina Colada recipes...so I was set to make this for him while he was visiting home for the summer.  I ended up letting him do the majority of the baking.  :)  I guess he enjoyed it.  It looks like he's smiling below, right?  But I could tell you that he really enjoyed eating it.
Patrick layering the cake.
Well, about a week later, our younger brother, Phillip, wanted some more cake.  It was gone in days.  I told him I was lazy, so he offered to make it...the same guy who put too much salt in his omlettes.  hehehe  He really wanted it.  I already had the King Arthur's flour I bought previously for this recipe.  So I sent him to buy the ingredients that I was lacking...and made him bake.  He claimed to have made a better cake than Patrick, yet he was too "scared" to layer the cake.  hehehe  I have to make fun of him.  He's the baby of the house! LOL
Phillip frosting the cake.
And cake battling off we go!  They both claimed that their cake was better.  But it's not like it was their own recipe, right? hehehe  I would say they both were excellent!  Two thumbs up for the 2 non-bakers in the house.  I reduced the amount of sugar in the first cake, but it was too sweet.  So I reduced the amount of sugar some more in the second cake.  It was great!  Here is my version below.  The only difference between my recipe and the original recipe is that I reduced the amount of sugar.  I followed everything else exactly from A Bountiful Kitchen.  Enjoy!
Such a delicious slice!

Pina Colada Cake
By:  Lisa Blodgett (Take from A Bountiful Kitchen)

·         2 c. King Arthur all-purpose flour, sifted
·         1 Tbsp. baking powder
·         1 tsp. salt
·         ½ c. unsalted butter, room temperature
·         1 ½ c. sugar
·         1 1/4 c. coconut milk
·         1 1/2 tsp. coconut extract
·         5 egg whites

Pineapple Filling:
·         1-20 oz. can crushed pineapple
·         1/3 c. sugar
·         2 Tbsp. cornstarch

·         1-8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
·         2 Tbsp. coconut milk
·         1 c. powdered sugar
·         1 tsp. coconut extract
·         1-16 oz. container whipped topping (or 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream, whipped)
·         Topping:  1-2 c. coconut shavings (optional)

1.      Preheat oven to 350.  Mix flour, baking powder & salt together in a bowl and set aside.
2.      Place the butter in a mixing bowl and beat on medium speed with a mixer for 1 minute.  Add sugar and beat for another minute.  Add coconut milk and coconut extract to butter mixture.
3.      Gradually add flour mixture into the butter mixture and beat for 2 minutes.
4.      In another bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.  Fold the egg whites into the batter and mix until all ingredients are incorporated.  
5.      Grease or line two 8-inch cake pans and divide batter evenly between them.  Bake for 23-28 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.
6.      Remove the pans from the oven and place on a cooling rack for 5-10 minutes to cool before removing cake from the pans
7.      In a saucepan combine all filling ingredients over medium heat.  Cook, stirring frequently until mixture gets a glossy look.  Set aside to cool.
8.      Beat cream cheese in a bowl until smooth.  Add coconut milk, powdered sugar and coconut extract.  Mix well, then fold the whipped topping or cream into the mixture.
9.      To assemble, cut both cakes open, making four 8-inch rounds.  On top of one, place half the pineapple filling and top with a cake layer.  Next add a layer of frosting, then a cake layer.  Place remaining pineapple mixture on the cake and top with the last cake layer.  Frost the sides and top of the cake. Sprinkle with coconut.
This is best when refrigerated for at least four hours.

Monday, April 30, 2012

No Bake Raspberry-Lemon Cheesecake

I want to share you guys this easy, fluffy, and yummy dessert.  I first saw it on pinterest.  I had a box of cream cheese that was about to expire, so I had to find something quick to make with it.  I love cheesecake, but sometimes I get tired of it's heaviness.  This is perfect because it's light and not straight-up cream cheese.  Plus, there's no baking involved!  Thanks My Baking Addiction for this No Bake Raspberry-Lemon Cheesecake recipe!

No Bake Raspberry-Lemon Cheesecake (Photo from My Baking Addiction)

Kimchi Fries at CHI'LANTRO (Korean BBQ) food truck

This past weekend, my husband, kids, and I took a short trip to Austin, TX for Caleb's 1st birthday party.  We stayed with our cousin, Phanny (and Lene, but she wasn't there).  Phanny, kept raving about this Korean food truck named CHI'LANTRO.  It's a Korean-Mexican Fusion.  I told her I tried kimchi fries in Dallas, and it was ok.  She said, "NO, You've gotta try this one!  IT IS SOOO GOOD..escpecially drunk. lol."  So I said ok.  We picked up my younger brother, Patrick (who is attending UT), to go with us. 
CHI'LANTRO's Kimchi Fries

We ordered 2 different kinds of kimchi fries (1 beef, 1 pork), some tacos, quesadillas, regular fries, and a burger (hubby's).  Let me tell ya...those kimchi fries were awesome!!! Yum!  They totally outdid the Dallas' Korean BBQ food truck.  We ended up ordering another order of kimchi fries...this time with chicken on it!  Not as good, but still good.  haha

I had leftover quesadillas which I took home.  I just finished it for lunch today.  :)  Next time I go to Austin, I'll surely visit CHI'LANTRO again. 

Uncle Patrick and Alyssa

Phanny and Austin

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Crawfish! Crawfish! Crawfish!

A couple weeks ago, we went to our friends house to eat crawfish.  They asked to borrow a small cooler, so I said ok.  They acually asked my husband.  I thought it was for drinks...but I was wrong.  We used my favorite cooler to store cooked crawfish.  At the end of the night, there was one cooler full of crawfish left.  No one wanted to take it home...not even the home-owners where we had the crawfish feast!  So we got stuck with it.

My drunk husband said he would peel them himself...that same night.  I said ok.  After I took a shower, I felt bad that I wasn't helping him.  So we stayed up until 2am (I think) peeling crawfish tails.  We came home late anyway, so it wasn't like we stayed up for hours on end.  Well, after all the crawfish tails were peeled, I HAD to wash the cooler...3 times!  With soap, then bleach, then bleach.  Now it's all clean!!!

Anyhow, I had to do something with all of those crawfish tails.  Just the already-peeled tails alone filled up 1/2 of a gallon ziplock bag!  I ended up cooking Emeril Lagasse's Crawfish and Cream over Pasta and my very own gumbolaya recipe.  They both turned out very good!  It turned out to be a very large portion, though.  I even feed one of my co-worker too!  hehehe

Crawfish & Cream over Pasta and Crawfish Gumbolaya

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beef and Peppers with Noodles

I tried a recipe for Beef with Peppers from The Pioneer Woman's website.  I didn't make mine spicy because Alyssa was eating it too.  The flavor was good, except my beef didn't turn out nice and caramelized-brown like the picture on her website.  :(  I wonder if it was because I cooked all of the beef at once (instead of in thirds, like her direction says to)....I guess I should have been a little more patient.  But I had to rush because Austin was climbing on the wet dish washer, and Alyssa was banging away with a metal spoon on a metal bowl!  And you wonder why my kitchen is so crazy....hehe

My Beef and Peppers with Noodles (not very colorful)
Pioneer Woman's Beef with Peppers (you see how nice and brown hers looks??)

Beef and Peppers with Noodles
(Taken from The Pioneer Woman)


  • 1-½ lb. flank steak (thinly sliced against grain)
  • ½ c. low sodium soy sauce
  • 3 tbsp. Sherry
  • 2 tbsp. packed brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp. cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp. minced fresh ginger (or 1/2 tbsp. ginger powder)
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp. canola oil
  • 1 whole medium yellow onion, thickly sliced
  • 1 whole bell pepper, cored and thickly sliced
  • red pepper flakes, for sprinkling
  • cilantro leaves
  • rice noodles or linguine pasta noodles

  1. Mix together soy sauce, sherry, brown sugar, cornstarch, ginger, garlic, and chili paste (or chili oil).  Place sliced beef in the mixture and toss to coat.  Set aside.
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium-high to high heat.  When it is very hot, throw in the onions and cook for less than a minute.  Remove to a separate plate.
  3. Return skillet to flame, allow to reheat, and add bell peppers (and hot pepper/jalapeno if using).  Cook for a minute, tossing, until peppers have brown/black bits but are still firm.  Remove to a plate.
  4. Return skillet to heat and allow to get hot.  Add the remaining tablespoon of oil to the skillet.  Add 1/3 of the meat mixture, evenly distributing over the surface of the skillet.  Allow to sit for 20 to 30 seconds, then turn with tongs.  Cook for another 30 seconds, then remove to a separate plate.  Repeat with remaining meat until all brown.
  5. Reduce heat to low.  Add all meat, onions, and peppers to the skillet and toss to combine.  Pour in remaining sauce (the sauce the meat marinated in*) and stir.  Allow to simmer on low for a few minutes.  Sauce will slowly thicken.  Turn off heat. 
  6. Rice Noodles-Boil water.  Then turn off boiling water and throw in noodles.  Stir, then allow noodles to sit in hot water for 8 minutes or so (check package directions to be sure).  Or use linguine and cook al dente. 
  7. Drain, then add 1/2 the noodles to stir fry. Toss together & add more noodles to taste.  Add very hot water if needed to thin.  Top with cilantro leaves. Serve immediately.
*Update/Note: you can also whip up an extra batch of liquid if you do not want to use the same liquid you use for the meat.  I made an extra 1/2 batch to add later.

Creamy Sausage Casserole with Biscuits

Today was the Volunteer Breakfast at our school, Parkview Elementary, so I decided to make this Creamy Sausage Casserole with Biscuits from Pillsbury.  I've never made this before, so I was very hesitant about it.  I read the recipe over and over and over again...something that I usually do when I come across a new recipe.  Why? (you ask...) Because when I read a new recipe, I imagine that I am actually cooking it according to the instructions.  I imagine how it looks and the outcome.  Then I judge the recipe accordingly to see if I want to try it out or not.

When I read this recipe, I was very skeptical about the gravy part.  I've never had a breakfast casserole with gravy before.  Another thing I was unsure about was the egg part.  When I've made casseroles in the past, it usually calls for uncooked eggs, which you bake.  Well, in this recipe, it says to cook the eggs on the stove "until firm but still moist".  WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN?  My mindset was still stuck on uncooked eggs.  Then I come across "firm but still moist"?!  I'm thinking about scrambled eggs and how people sometimes like to eat it runny.  Hmm...to cook or not to cook...I was indecisive.

So the next thing I did was read the reviews, which is something I do often when I come across a new recipe.  Everyone had good things to say about it.  But I didn't see any posts about scrambling the eggs.  "OH WELL!", I thought.  "I'll just try it out.  If it turns out bad, then I won't tell people I made it.  Plus, it's for the volunteers anyway."  hehehe jk.  I wouldn't do that.  If it turned out bad, then I would have bought some donuts.  :)  I made a large tray for the breakfast and a couple small samples for me to try. 

I did make adjustments to the recipe (like I always do).  I omitted the mushrooms and bacon.  I cooked the sausages and gravy part the night before so it's less work for me in the morning.  I also added other ingredients.  I don't know why, but I can never follow a recipe EXACTLY to the T!  I guess that's just ME!

The outcome:  It was delicious, and I had people asking for the recipe.  I think next time, I'll add more garlic powder, salt, and bacon!  YUM!  BACON!  (I could eat an entire package alone).....

Creamy Sausage Casserole with Biscuits
Creamy Sausage Casserole with Biscuits
(Adapted from Pillsbury)

  • 1 pkg. breakfast sausage (any flavor/brand)
  • 8 tbsp. butter (divided-6 tbsp. & 2 tbsp.)
  • 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 4 c. milk
  • 1/4 tsp. black pepper
  • 3/4 tsp. salt (divided-1/2 tsp. & 1/4 tsp.)
  • 12 eggs
  • 1 can (5 oz.) evaporated milk
  • 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 can (12 oz.) Pillsbury Grands! Golden Layers refrigerated biscuits

    1. Heat oven to 350°F.  Lightly grease 9"x13" glass baking dish.
    2. Cook sausages in a large saucepan over medium-high heat until browned and cooked.  Remove from heat and drain out the fat.  Set aside.
    3. In same saucepan, melt 6 tbsp. butter.  Add flour and stir with wire whisk until smooth.  Cook over low heat for 1 minute.  Gradually stir in milk and cook, stirring constantly, until bubbly and thickened.
    4. Add cooked sausages, black pepper, & 1/4 tsp. salt.  Mix well, and set aside.
    5. In large bowl, beat eggs, evaporated milk, 1/2 tsp. salt, and garlic powder with wire whisk until well blended.  Set aside.
    6. Melt remaining 2 tbsp. butter in large skillet over medium heat.  Add egg mixture and cook, stirring constantly, until firm but moist.  (Think of runny scrambled eggs.)
    7. Pour 1/2 of sausage gravy into greased baking dish.  Top with egg mixture.  Then pour the remaining gravy on top of the eggs.
    8. Separate dough and cut into quarters (or smaller).  Place biscuit pieces over sauce with the pointy side up.
    9. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until mixture is heated and the biscuits are golden brown.  (If you think your casserole is a bit runny, then cover it with foil and bake a little longer.)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Apple-Raisin Monkey Bread

I decided (at the last minute, of course), to make Apple-Raisin Monkey Bread for breakfast today for my first grade team.  Yes, I know...I'm SO nice!  hehe.  Long time ago, I made monkey bread with my daughter, and it came out too sweet.  So I set out to find a different recipe....at 4:30 in the morning!  Why so early?  Because Austin woke me up and wanted to drink milk!  He eats a lot! 

Anyhow, I found two recipes that I liked and merged them together to make my own!  It was so easy to make and even easier to eat!  (I'm going exclamation mark crazy right now!!!) lol  Both of these recipes are from the Pillsbury website.  I used the Grands! Monkey Bread recipe and took the apple idea from the Country Apple Coffee Cake recipe.  I cut back on the sugar and the butter (of course), and it came out great.  Make sure you eat it warm...because that's the best way to eat it!!!

Since oven temperatures vary, cooking times may be a little different.  The original recipe said 28-32 minutes, but I had to cook mine for 40 minutes...which made me late to my meeting.  I even texted Andrea (my co-worker) to ask her to tell my team that I was coming late...but had YUMMY food!  hehehe  So I guess I made up for it by bringing yummy food!!!  hehehe 

I'll post more photos later.  In the meantime...enjoy this one!  :)

Apple-Raisin Monkey Bread

Apple-Raisin Monkey Bread
(Adapted from Pillsbury)


  • 1/3 c. sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 2 cans (16.3 oz each) Pillsbury Grands! Homestyle refrigerated biscuits
  • 1 medium apple (small chopped)
  • ¼ c. raisins
  • ½ c. brown sugar
  • ½ c. butter (melted)

  1. Heat oven to 350°F.  Spray 9”x13” pan or baking dish with cooking spray.
  2. In large storage zip-lock bag, mix sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Separate dough into 16 biscuits; cut each into 4-6 pieces.  Place into bag.
  4. Close bag and shake to coat the biscuits.
  5. Stir brown sugar into the melted butter and set aside.
  6. Arrange 1/2 of the biscuits in the pan or dish.  Layer with chopped apples and raisins.  Pour 1/2 of the butter mixture evenly on top.
  7. Top with the rest of the biscuits.  Pour the rest of the butter mixture evenly on top of the biscuits.
  8. Bake 35-40 minutes (or until golden brown and no longer doughy in the center).  If the tops turn brown too quickly, place foil over the pan/dish during the last 10 minutes of cooking.
  9. Turn upside-down onto serving plate (so the gooey stuff drips down while it's hot).  Pull apart to serve.  Serve warm.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sweet Ginger Chicken (General Tso's Chicken)

The reason why this post has two names is because I got this recipe from My Name is Snickerdoodle. When I first made this chicken recipe, I was thinking of Empress of China (my old work place) and how their General Tso's chicken was dark brown, carmelized, sweet, and oh-so-yummy. But after making it for the first time, I realized that it was not even the same thing. Don't get me wrong...it was good. That's why I made it again! But I just felt that the name didn't fit. So I decided to call it Sweet Ginger Chicken. I modified it a bit from the original website that I got it from. I cut back on the sugar and increased the ginger & garlic portions. The second time around, I experimented with some chopped red onions. It was still delish!

I made this last night for my parents and my youngest brother, Phillip. They said it was good. So I guess my modifications weren't bad! :) Next time, I'll try dark meat. I might even try deep-frying it (that's what Empress of China does). Man, I miss that place!

Sweet Ginger Chicken

Sweet Ginger Chicken
(Adapted from My Name is Snickerdoodle)

  • 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast
  • 1/3 c. flour
  • 2 tbsp. veg. oil+1 tsp. veg. oil
  • 3 tbsp. sugar
  • 1 tbsp. cornstarch
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • 1/4 c. soy sauce
  • 1/4 c. pineapple juice
  • 1/4 c. rice wine vinegar (or regular vinegar)
  • 1 tsp. minced garlic
  • 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger
  • 1/2 tsp. ground ginger powder
  • red pepper flakes (optional or save until the end)
  • 1/4 c. chopped red onions (optional)
  • 1 tsp. chopped green onions
  1. Cut chicken into 1" pieces (or any size you'd like).
  2. Place the flour and the cut chicken into a large zip-lock bag, seal, and shake to completely coat the chicken.
  3. Cook chicken pieces in 2 tbsp. oil over med-high heat until browned.
  4. Meanwhile, combine sugar and cornstarch in a small saucepan.
  5. Slowly whisk in water, soy sauce, pineapple juice, and vinegar. Mix well.
  6. Stir in garlic, garlic powder, ginger, and ginger powder. Cook until thick and bubbly. (Turn heat down to keep warm.)
  7. You could add red pepper flakes now or save until the very end (just before serving).
  8. When the chicken is cooked and browned (7-8 minutes), drain onto a paper towel.
  9. In the same pan, heat 1 tsp. oil. Cook the chopped red onions until fragrant and translucent (4-5 minutes).
  10. Add the chicken pieces back into the pan. Stir around a few times to coat the chicken with onion.
  11. Pour the sauce over the chicken and cook for another minute.
  12. Place chicken into a plate and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Serve with rice.

Creamy Grilled Chicken Piccata with Penne Pasta

A couple weeks ago, I decided to make Creamy Grilled Chicken Piccata with Penne Pasta.  I haven't had much luck cooking lemon-butter type pastas in the past.  They always turn out too tangy.  And guess what?!  This recipe came out too sour too!  Alyssa didn't like it.  The chicken was good, but the sauce was sour.  I ended up adding a little bit of salt and sugar to balance out the sourness.  At first, it seemed runny, so I did not add any pasta stock.  Luckily, I saved some because I ended up using it.  It really helped to balance out the sourness.  I didn't grill my chicken, however, because the hubby was at work.  I ended up pan-frying it.  It turned out good too.  I served it with my Garlic Parmesan Monkey Bread that Alyssa helped me make.  Like always, I ended up making too much.  I love to share and feed people, so I fed one of my co-worker.  She loved it!  But then again, she loves everything I cook...hmmm...  Either I actually cook good or she's just being nice.  :)  I might consider making this again in the future.  Enjoy!

Creamy Grilled Chicken Piccata with Penne Pasta

Grilled Chicken Piccata with Penne Pasta
(adapted from Plain Chicken)


  • juice of 1 lemon (3 tbsp.)
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. minced garlic
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp. basil or oregano
  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 2 c. dried penne pasta
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tbsp. minced garlic
  • juice of 2 lemons (6 tbsp.)
  • 1/2 c. half and half (or heavy cream)
  • 1 tsp. sugar (or more)
  • salt & pepper (to taste)
  • 1/2 c. grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 tsp. dried basil
  • 2 tbsp. capers
  • reserved pasta stock (if needed)

  1. Combine first 6 ingredients and mix well. Place chicken in a ziplock bag and pour marinade over chicken. Marinate for 1 hour.
  2. When ready to cook, grill chicken until done. Allow chicken to rest for a few minutes and then slice into strips to serve over pasta.
  3. While chicken is grilling. Cook pasta according to directions (10-12 minutes). Reserve 1/2 cup of pasta water and drain. 
  4. In same sauce pan, melt butter over medium heat. 
  5. Whisk in garlic and lemon juice. 
  6. Pour in half and half & sugar and whisk until hot. 
  7. Add some salt and pepper to taste. 
  8. Add the parmesan cheese, basil and capers, and heat until cheese is melted. 
  9. Check the consistency of the sauce and add some of the reserved pasta water to loosen the sauce if necessary. Toss in pasta.
  10. Serve in pasta bowls with grilled chicken on top. Sprinkle with more parmesan if desired.  Also, serve it with my Garlic Parmesan Monkey Bread!  :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blogger Mobile-Date Night

Just had date night with the hubby at Wild Turkey. We had 2 dozen oysters, a party platter, & 2 beers each. I'm full (for now). It was nice being away from the kids...and eating without having to feed the kids at the same time. Thanks Alice & Soto for volunteering to babysit! I'll surely return the favor when that time comes. :)

Amy Lay
Sent from my iPhone

Sausage and Cheese Biscuit Muffins

Remember when I made the Garlic Parmesan Monkey Bread because my biscuits were expiring?  Guess what I found this morning when I looked in the fridge?  Another can of Pillsbury Grands! Flaky Layers-Original that expires TODAY!  So I decided to make Sausage & Cheese Biscuit Muffins. 

I first saw this recipe on Cooking with my Kids and made it for my first grade team last Wednesday for our weekly morning meeting at school.  It was a big hit, and everyone loved it.  I didn't use bacon, though (it was still frozen).  I didn't have time to cook it.  I cooked up some breakfast sausages (the night before, of course) to crumble into the muffin tins.  And since I had a lot of breakfast sausages left, I had to use that up.  I also had some chicken left, so I made 8 chicken, cheese, and chives biscuit muffins.  YES, I still had chicken leftover (even though I made Chicken Tortilla Soup with Penne Pasta yesterday for lunch. 

Did I mention that when I cook, I cook a lot?  Alice and I love to cook and bake.  She only has 2 adults in her household, and I have 2 adults plus 1 1/2 children.  But we both somehow end up cooking enough food to feed an army...not just one time...or two time...but ALL.THE.TIME.  It's ridiculous.  You would think we learned from our mistakes, but nope.  We're just two crazy people who love to cook.  Her husband doesn't really like to eat leftovers. My husband doesn't mind leftovers, but would prefer beer.  I end up eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Sometimes, I drop some food off for my parents and youngest brother Phillip.  Sometimes I invite them over.  Sometimes Alice and Soto comes over.  Sometimes I go to their house to eat.  And on rare occasion, the leftovers go into the trash.  :(

Ok, so that was my blurb about cooking too much all the time.  Back to my muffins...Today, I made some with breakfast sausage & cheese and some with chicken, cheese, & chives.  Some of the muffins even have a small piece of regular sausage in it.  I don't remember which one, but it'll be a suprise when I bite into it!  :)  I used the Pillsbury Grands! Flaky Layers-Original 8-ct. (16.5 oz. cans).  It has to be flaky layers or else you can't split them.  I took each biscuit and split them into 3 more layers (giving me 24 pieces of biscuit).  That was enough to fill 24 regular muffin cups.  I wasn't kidding when I said I always make a lot.  I'll be giving some away, eating some for breakfast this week, and maybe freezing some?  We'll see.

This recipe is easy to make.  It just takes time.  After splitting the layers, stretch out each piece and put them into the pre-sprayed muffin cups to create a biscuit cup.  Fill it with shredded cheese, your meat preference, more cheese, and the egg mixture.  Don't fill the muffin cups too much with the egg mixture or it'll overflow (since the egg puffs up and expands).  When you're finished filling, bake it until it is golden brown and enjoy warm.  You see my pretty biscuit muffins below?  YUM!

24 biscuit muffins

You could try stuffing the muffins with chopped ham or turkey.  Or you could make it vegetarian using cooked spinach, broccoli, zucchini, or whatever ingredients your heart desires.  I think I will try ham and spinach or ham and mushrooms next time.  This is very similar to the quiche I make.  But instead of using canned biscuits for the shell, I buy the pre-made flaky shells found in the frozen section.  I'll save that for another day!

Sausage and Cheese Biscuit Muffins
Sausage and Cheese Biscuit Muffins
(Adapted from Cooking with my Kids)

Makes 24 regular muffins


  • 1 can Pillsbury Grands! Flaky Layers-Original 10 ct. (16.5 oz)
  • 8 eggs
  • 8 tbsp. milk
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. Italian seasoning
  • salt & pepper
  • shredded cheese
  1. Cook the sausages and drain (or veg). (You could precook the night before and store it in the fridge).
  2. Preheat the oven to 400 and spray muffin pans with cooking spray.
  3. Whisk the eggs, milk, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, salt & pepper together and set aside.
  4. Split each biscuit into 3 layers (to make 24). 
  5. Stretch out each piece to cover the muffin cups.  Gently push it down and around the sides.
  6. Sprinkle the muffin cups with a tiny bit of shredded cheese.
  7. Then fill the muffin cups with the cooked meat (or veg).
  8. Top with more shredded cheese.
  9. Scoop the egg mixture evenly into all of the muffin cups.  Don't overfill the cups. (I start off with 1 tbsp. per cups until all are filled.  Then I go back and add a little more until my eggs are gone).
  10. Bake for 12-15 minutes until the biscuits are golden brown and the eggs are set.  Enjoy warm!

Just for Laughs:
Me:  (Taking my Canon out to take this picture.)  "What?!  This is my new hobby."
Hubby:  "Oooo.  I'm a blogger now.  I'm taking pictures." (in a moking tone)
Me:  "Very funny."